ONLINE ADVERTISING “the fame game”
HAMEDSON DESIGN STUDIO, Serving Globally Since 2009
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Most Effective Online Advertising Modes
There are quite a few ways to use online marketing to advertise your products and services. Hamedson Design Studio can assist clients in following modes: [] Local Business Listings[] Search Engine Advertising/PPC[] Content Marketing [] Banner Display Ads [] Text Messages/SMS Marketing [] Social Media Networking [] Online videos
Online Advertising spending has touched 125 billion dollars Worldwide
There is a big moving trend towards Online Advertising
According to IDC figures, spending for online ads has reached $125 billion dollars worldwide this year. That’s a significant increase on advertising compared to previous years. This increase speaks volumes about the effectiveness and pay off companies receive from online advertising. In fact, many brands believe that online video ads are more effective than TV commercials.
Among all online modes of advertising, Google and Facebook are the largest revenue generator for selling display ads. At the same time paid search is also a good marketing tool for which Goolge has the biggest market share of 83% while Yahoo and Bing hold 17% together.
Display ads are featured in various ad sizes throughout websites and utilize many targeting options. Display ads can be static images, flash, video and expandable.
It is a long established fact that larger ad units generate more traffic. They have higher click rates especially the Half Page Ad, Large Rectangle, Medium Rectangle and Wide Skyscraper Ads.
Twelve Standard Web Banner Sizes in pixels are 120×90, 120×240, 120×600, 125×125, 160×600, 180×150, 234×60, 300×250, 300×600, 336×280, 468×60 and 728×90. Hamedson Design Studio can design these banner ads for you as well as display them on various networks.
Frankly there is no fixed cost and there is no limit on spending, bigger the better works, higher spending would bring more traffic to your site and possibly higher conversion rate.
> Spending £25.00/Week for a month will not really help you much. > Spending £25.00/Week for three months will get you a recognition. > Spending £50.00/Week for 3 months would be a good starting campaign. > Spending £100.00/Week for 3 months will sure give your business a boost. > £150.00/Week for 3 months is highly recommended for a good sale strategy. > £200.00/Week for 3 months will be a perfect budget for a well balanced campaign.As stated before, we can’t put a cap on spending, one has to see his/her pocket to decide. Above mentioned prices are just to give you an idea of one web banner platform. Engaging in various modes of advertising with reasonable budget would be ideal thing to do for online advertising.
It is possible to tailor an advertising campaigns within your set budget!
MINDUP is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
This advertising method allows you to more effectively reach your target audience by displaying your ad when potential customer search Google for certain key phrases. It’s Pay Per Click which means you will be charged only when someone clicks on your ad. Let Hamedson assist you in setting up campaigns that fits your online ad budget.
Although there are several social media sites from which to choose, we exclusively recommend Facebook for the most effective use of your social media advertising budget. Facebook is the leader in global membership and proven ad visibility. While your social media ad dollars go further with Facebook, we recommend that you develop a social media strategy that also gives you a presence on other social media networks that are relevant to your business.
Businesses should have an advertising strategy that involves the use of small and large networks that make sense for their industry. Online advertising does help, the more you spend wisely, the better exposure you get. It’s a simple proven fact.